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Google Play Services Unity Crash After Login Updated FREE

Google Play Services Unity Crash After Login

Google's official packages for Unity extend the default capabilities of Unity, enabling y'all to optimize game functioning, reach new users, understand user beliefs, and more.


Admob logo

Tools to generate revenue from your Unity games.


Google AdMob makes information technology piece of cake for developers to earn money from their mobile apps with loftier-quality ads. This package enables Unity developers to easily serve Google Mobile Ads in Android and iOS apps without having to write Java or Objective-C code. Learn more.


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Take full advantage of the Android platform with packages that help you optimize your app size and functioning.

Android App Package

An Android App Parcel (AAB) is a publishing format that includes all your app's compiled code and resources, and defers APK generation and signing to Google Play. AAB support is built into Unity starting with version 2017.iv.14. This package provides advanced AAB features that include support for Play Asset Commitment and Google Play Instant, and it uses the latest versions of bundletool. Learn more than.

Latest version info
Package name: com.google.android.appbundle
Version: one.7.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.4
Publish Appointment 2022-02

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Android Frame Pacing

Android Frame Pacing syncs your rendering loop to the underlying display hardware, reducing stuttering and latency and then that gameplay looks and feels smooth. It'due south integrated into Unity 2019.2 or higher.

To enable this feature, choose Project Settings > Actor > Settings for Android > Resolution and Presentation, and select the Optimized Frame Pacing checkbox. Larn more than.

Android Functioning Tuner

Android Performance Tuner helps you identify performance problems in your game or app, and likewise highlights opportunities to improve your fidelity. Impact metrics help you prioritize, and issues are categorized to assistance you have action. Information at both device model and device spec level enables yous to find the well-nigh effective way to act. Learn more.

Latest version info
Packet name: com.google.android.performancetuner
Version: 1.1.2
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.4
Publish Appointment 2021-05

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Build augmented reality experiences that seamlessly blend the digital and physical worlds.

ARCore Extensions for AR Foundation

The Google ARCore Extensions for AR Foundation supplements Unity's AR Foundation cantankerous-platform Augmented Reality API. It also provides native APIs for features provided by Google Play Services for AR (ARCore). With these extensions you can build new AR experiences or enhance existing apps with AR features. Learn more.

Latest version info
Package name: com.google.ar.core.arfoundation.extensions-lite
Version: 1.xxx.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2019.four
Publish Date 2022-03

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Firebase logo

Firebase is a evolution platform that helps game developers build, release, and operate successful games that delight players. With Firebase, y'all tin quickly spin up your unabridged backend infrastructure, meliorate game quality, and increase actor date through experimentation. Firebase accelerates and simplifies the game development process. Learn more.

Cloud Firestore

Store and sync game data at global scale.

Deject Firestore is a flexible NoSQL certificate database that lets you easily store, sync, and query data for your games - at global scale.

Firestore supports a million players continued simultaneously with a guaranteed uptime of five nines for multi-region instances. That's less than v minutes of downtime a year!

With Deject Firestore, your players tin can access and make changes to their data at any time, even when they're offline. Learn more.

Latest version info
Package name: com.google.firebase.firestore
Version: eight.8.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.1
Publish Date 2022-01

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Cloud Functions for Firebase

Run your mobile backend code without managing servers.

With Cloud Functions, y'all tin can write and deploy lawmaking to our servers that automatically responds (in other words) to events in your game.

This way, your game logic is fully insulated from the customer so you can be sure its functions are private and tin't be contrary engineered. Cloud Functions also automatically scales upwardly computing resource to match the usage patterns of your game. Learn more than.

Latest version info
Parcel name: com.google.firebase.functions
Version: 8.8.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.i
Publish Date 2022-01

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Cloud Storage for Firebase

Store and serve game content with ease.

With Cloud Storage, you can hands store and serve big binary objects, such every bit screenshots, replays, or game assets, and effortlessly grow from prototype to product.

Through an integration with Firebase Authentication, you can use our declarative security model to control access and keep information safe. Learn more than.

Latest version info
Packet name: com.google.firebase.storage
Version: eight.8.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.1
Publish Date 2022-01

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Firebase Authentication

Easily sign-in and authenticate players.

Sign-in players using any identity provider with Firebase Authentication. It supports e-mail and password, phone authentication, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and more than. Out-of-the-box, you get a secure, end-to-end identity solution. Larn more.

Latest version info
Package name: com.google.firebase.auth
Version: 8.viii.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.1
Publish Date 2022-01

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Firebase Cloud Messaging

Transport targeted messages and notifications.

Cloud Messaging gives y'all a reliable and battery-efficient fashion to transport messages and notifications across platforms. You lot can target your messages to certain segments of players and customize them to conform your game'south make. Y'all can besides gauge their effectiveness with statistics similar click rate, open up rate, and the downstream effect on conversions. Learn more.

Latest version info
Package name: com.google.firebase.messaging
Version: 8.8.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.one
Publish Date 2022-01

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Firebase Crashlytics

Prioritize and prepare stability bug faster.

Firebase Crashlytics helps you lot rail, prioritize, and ready stability issues that erode game quality, in realtime. Spend less time triaging and troubleshooting crashes and more than time building game content and features that delight players.

Crashlytics besides sends realtime alerts for new issues, regressed problems, and burgeoning issues that might require immediate attention to ensure you never miss a critical crash no matter where y'all are. Learn more.

Latest version info
Package proper noun: com.google.firebase.crashlytics
Version: 8.8.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.1
Publish Date 2022-01

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Deep link potential players to the right place within your game.

Dynamic Links are smart URLs that allow you to send existing and potential players to any location within your game. They survive the game install procedure, so fifty-fifty new players see the content they're looking for when they open the game for the first time. Dynamic Links are gratuitous forever, for whatsoever scale. Learn more than.

Latest version info
Package name: com.google.firebase.dynamic-links
Version: eight.viii.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.ane
Publish Date 2022-01

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Firebase Installations

The Firebase installations service (FIS) provides a Firebase installation ID (FID) for each installed instance of a Firebase app. The Firebase installation ID is used internally by Firebase services such as In-App Messaging or Remote Config without requiring developers to interact directly with the FIS API. Using this API, a developer can delete a Firebase installation and the information tied to it, target specific app installations, and retrieve installation auth tokens. Learn more than.

Latest version info
Package proper noun: com.google.firebase.installations
Version: 8.viii.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.1
Publish Appointment 2022-01

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Firebase Realtime Database

Store and sync data in virtually-realtime.

Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that lets y'all store and sync JSON information in near-realtime. Information technology's optimized for very rapid syncing of small amounts of data.

When your players get offline, the Realtime Database SDKs use local cache on the device to serve and store changes. When the device comes online, the local data is automatically synchronized and then users can go on playing your game from where they left off. Learn more.

Latest version info
Package name: com.google.firebase.database
Version: viii.eight.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.1
Publish Engagement 2022-01

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Firebase Remote Config

Customize your game on the wing.

Remote Config lets y'all dynamically change the behavior and appearance of your game right from the Firebase panel so you can deliver personalized experiences to players - without waiting for app store approval. Acquire more.

Latest version info
Bundle name: com.google.firebase.remote-config
Version: 8.8.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.one
Publish Date 2022-01

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Google Analytics

Get free and unlimited game and player analytics.

Google Analytics helps you lot understand and appoint your players past revealing what actions they're taking inside your game, where they spend the most time, and why they churn. From conquering to app usage, Google Analytics will give you insights to make better decisions about your game. Y'all tin fifty-fifty combine your analytics data with Google Ads to make sure you're running campaigns that evangelize you lot loftier-quality players. Learn more.

Latest version info
Packet name: com.google.firebase.analytics
Version: 8.8.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.one
Publish Date 2022-01

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Google Play

Google Play logo

These packages enable your games to interface with the Google Play Store and related services from within the Unity Engine.

Play Asset Delivery

Play Asset Commitment enables AssetBundles and other assets to be packaged into an Android App Bundle and delivered through Google Play. Larn more.

Latest version info
Parcel proper name: com.google.play.assetdelivery
Version: 1.7.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.4
Publish Date 2022-02

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Play Billing Library

The Google Play Billing Library is required to sell digital content and subscriptions in games distributed via Google Play. This package provides all of the features bachelor in the electric current Coffee and Kotlin versions. Learn more.

Latest version info
Package name: com.google.play.billing
Version: 3.two.3
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.4
Publish Date 2022-02

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Play Games

Achievements, leaderboards, deject saved games, existent-time multiplayer, and more than on Android and iOS. Learn more.

Play In-App Review

The Play In-App Review package lets you prompt users to submit Play Store ratings and reviews without leaving your game. Learn more.

Latest version info
Package name: com.google.play.review
Version: 1.seven.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.iv
Publish Date 2022-02

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Play In-App Update

The Play In-App Update package lets you lot keep your app upwardly-to-engagement on your users' devices and enables them to try new features, as well equally benefit from performance improvements and bug fixes. Learn more than.

Latest version info
Bundle name: com.google.play.appupdate
Version: 1.7.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.4
Publish Date 2022-02

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Play Instant

Google Play Instant enables games and apps to exist launched on Android without beingness installed.

The Play Instant packet simplifies the conversion of an Android app into an instant app that tin can be deployed through Google Play. Acquire more than.

Latest version info
Parcel name: com.google.play.instant
Version: 1.7.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.four
Publish Date 2022-02

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Play Integrity API

The Play Integrity API helps protect your apps and games from potentially risky and fraudulent interactions, allowing you to respond with appropriate actions to reduce attacks and corruption such every bit fraud, adulterous, and unauthorized admission. Larn more.

Latest version info
Package proper name: com.google.play.integrity
Version: one.0.0
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.4
Publish Date 2022-02

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General tools for working in Unity.

External Dependency Managing director for Unity

External Dependency Manager for Unity (EDM4U) tin can be used by any Unity packet that requires Android specific libraries (for example, AARs), iOS CocoaPods, and/or version direction of transitive dependencies. Acquire more than.

Latest version info
Package name: com.google.external-dependency-managing director
Version: 1.2.169
Minimum Unity Version: 2017.1
Publish Date 2022-01

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Google Play Services Unity Crash After Login


Source: https://developers.google.com/unity/packages

Posted by: blackwellmorgilizeed77.blogspot.com

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